Tips for being 'Kindy Ready' in 2023!


The first term of the 2023 school year is upon us!

This can look and feel very different from one child to the next, a major milestone particularly in the lives of many three and four year olds, being their first day of Kindy.

Our early childhood educator Kirsten Partyka, talks to Clare Valley in our latest podcast episode, sharing some tips for parents and carers as they navigate the first few weeks of settling in to a new school environment.

For further reading to help start the school year right!

Useful Amity Health blogs:

Starting the School Day Right – Healthy Breakfast Options — Amity Health

Keeping their Energy Up - Thriving on Good Lunchbox Choices! — Amity Health

School's Out - Now What? Some After School Snack Ideas! — Amity Health

Useful Links:

Morning routine for school: practical tips | Raising Children Network

Bec Freeman