6 Tips to Make Mask Wearing More Comfortable for Children

A child wearing a face mask while showing how to apply a face mask to their favorite teddy bear.

Mask wearing requirements have expanded to Western Australian school-aged children in Years 3 - 6 in all public indoor settings. For some children, this may be challenging and may take time for them to adjust to this new social measure.

As a parent, carer or grandparent of a child in these primary school year groups, the below tips may help to make mask wearing more bearable for them!

  • Get your child used to putting different fabrics over their nose and mouth for a few seconds/minutes

    This could include a warm flannel, silk, face mask (the beauty kind) or other soft material. Build up the time they have this on their face as they feel more comfortable.

  • Ask your child to practice wearing a mask for the first few times in a quiet environment

    This will reduce the need to cope with extra noise and other sensory input while they get used to their mask.

  • Children  can be sensitive to smell, so be sure they brush their teeth before trying on a mask

  • Ask your child to choose a mask with a fun pattern or help them to make their own mask to make it more enjoyable to wear

  • For younger children, it may help to model wearing a mask by family members or on their favourite toys.

  • For some children, particularly those with sensory issues or autism, a social story of wearing masks may be helpful (click below!)

For more tips and suggestions, the Raising Children Network is a helpful website.

If your child is feeling anxious about mask wearing, it may be a good idea to speak to your GP, teacher or school counsellor.